Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles

Author Krista Pettiford explores the beautiful story of Ruth in her new book

The Book of Ruth may only be four chapters in the Bible, but it packs a powerful story on love, acceptance and beauty. This is what I learned and then some while reading the new book by Krista Pettiford: A Call to God’s Daughters to Step Into His Lab: Love, Acceptance and Beauty. It’s a beautiful reminder that women who follow Christ are God’s daughters and that we are loved, accepted and beautiful in His sight, as also proven in the book and testimony of Ruth.

This is a needed message in a time when women, including Black Christian single women, feel less than because of their race and relationship status. In this day and age it’s like the world wants us to prove our worth and beauty, and at times even our right to breathe. We are more than magic, we are royalty.

Pettiford’s book is geared to all women as it goes through the background of the story of Ruth and share some inspirational and encouraging scriptures from the Bible. The messages in this book are beneficial to women because we can be hard on ourselves and fall for the comparison trap when we’re not in God’s word enough. Take this book as a personal letter from God to you that uncovers your fears, doubts, insecurities and allows you to put them at the feet of Jesus. It’s a great read for personal reflection or quiet time with God, as the chapters are broken down in smaller segments (I read on my Kindle).

“When I realized I did not have to be like other women and that in fact, God did not want me to, I gained the freedom to grow into the authentic representation of Christ as the woman God created me to be.” -Krista Pettiford

I related a lot to what was said here because I’m currently in that process of becoming who God created me to be, finding and operating in godly purpose and His will. Another takeaway from the book overall was that God is closer than we thing when we deal with personal issues. It reminded me to draw closer to Him when I’m feeling doubt, less than, and overwhelmed.

“Dear Daughter, I AM calling you to step fully into My love, acceptance, and beauty and be the woman O created you to be, so you can reach your destiny. Your Father, God”

Krista’s book was the book of July, but I wanted to take my time to finish this well done piece. You can connect with Krista and her ministry for women online, Instagram and Twitter.

books Krista Pettiford

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  1. Krista

    Thank you so much for this thoughtfully written review of my book! I’m glad you could relate on many points. 🙂

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