Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles
Relationship with God

Finding the blessing in not looking too far ahead

Today as I pen this piece, we have two days left in 2021.

This year has been (fill in the blanks with your recap).

Each of us have our “gladly leave in 2021” moments we view as our Forgetting what is behind moment in our lives. And our newfound beginnings, well we gladly tote them on over into 2022. After all, they are our ‘new thing…way in the wilderness…streams in the wastelandblessings that have changed the trajectory of our lives in ways we never imagined could happen.

So, what do we think about these last two days that seem to be holding tightly on to 2021?

It’s tempting to think, well with all that was packaged and released in 2021, it’s time for this year to be over with and start anew. Almost believing it would be best to just skip these past two days and jump right into the New Year, has that thought crossed your mind? The chances of these final two days of this year being filled with blessings to overflow in our lives are???

Yes, I did just let that sentence drift on away without finishing it because that’s what the closing of a year seems to exude for some. It’s a disconnect that happens prior to the year coming to an end.

For many, closure sets in early for this year; these latter days are not viewed to be as significant as the approaching year.

We’ve lived out 99.9 percent of our current year, even though currently it’s a part of our present.  Foreseeing any additional newness before the year comes to a close is not a possibility in some people’s eyes. Why not? Looking at what we have already lived through this year. Looking at what the year had to offer us this year became the gauge in how the ending of this year will play out.

Each of us has already chosen how we see 2021 closing out. So, breezing on through these next few days has become the choice many have taken as they already say:

Here’s to a fresh start!

New Beginnings!

A do-over!

My thoughts are this: I am hopeful that the blessings and abundance we are looking for God to usher in 2022 happens before 2021 closes out.

You see, I have read and heard encouraging words from some spiritual leaders who have given us motivation to embrace new beginnings and blessings from God in the New Year. I agree with all of that, but I choose to believe that I can expect Him to as this year comes to a closing. I don’t want God to withhold His blessings and abundance, then release them as the New Years fireworks display in my life and everyone else’s lives.

You have to choose to take God’s promises and call them forth into your present, your right here and now because God is not a contingent, special occasions God.

If you believe that you have received all God has to offer you for this year, then you have prematurely removed yourself from the receiving end of your blessings. Looking ahead at a year that has yet to come will cause you to miss out on what He can do for you in your current year, your here and now moments.

So, I choose to not see 2022 as the designated time God will show Himself powerful again in my life or in your lives. There are too many times this year when we have seen God fulfill His promises in all our lives, so why would we not expect to see Him do something amazing for us before this year closes? He is the same yesterday and today and forever.

It is my prayer, that whatever you want God to do for you in 2022, that He will answer and show Himself to you now and close your year how you expect your new one to begin: full of new beginnings, blessings, and abundance exceedingly abundantly above all you can ever ask or imagine in Jesus’ name.

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