"Ready to Love" is a show I happened to come across online. The show is brought to us by successful film producer Will Packer (Girls Trip, Think Like a Man)…
Photo source: Facebook When you think about examples of #BlackLove among celebrities, most people would consider superstars Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. They have survived years of rumors that…
I saw this meme over the weekend that blessed my soul: Granted that's how I feel too; no judgement on my future daughter's choices in men and men who approach…
Anyone who has been into this season of Insecure on HBO has seen the all too familiar dating phenomenon in our culture: ghosting. To sum up, the main character Issa…
We all have been on the receiving line of having hurtful words, actions and deeds hurled at us by those who showed us how much they dislike us. Then there…
Consider this your sign of confirmation that it’s time to put the pen to the paper or fingers to the keyboard to get started on that book you've had in…
I’ve been getting into the book of Nehemiah recently, and while chapter 3 about the builders is a bit lengthy, it has purpose. Each verse had names of the people…