Black Love & Inspiration for Saved Singles
Singleness & Dating

What’s it like to lead singles ministry in 2024

In my 12 years in singles ministry, I’ve participated in some in-person ministry opportunities, but not one as consistent as I have this summer. I took the opportunity of faith to lead a small group or connect group called “Summer of Single”!

We had eight weeks of in-person meetups and online meetings discussing different topics related to the singles space but with a faith-based perspective. I will be sharing those discussion points on the BLISS for Singles Podcast in the coming weeks, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss these lessons, from identity in Christ as a single person to dating for marriage.

With God’s timing*, I publicly shared my testimony about my experience leading this group of women and men for the summer, and it has been a blessing to me, despite my hesitations at first. Take a listen to the testimony and be encouraged that whatever God has given you to do, He will equip you and remind you of all that you have to succeed.

*This video aired in my church’s services on the anniversary of my first visit to that church! I love it when God does those detailed things for me.

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